Draw Something is a social multiplayer mini version of Pictionary. You draw a word you see in the list and your opponent has to guess what you draw. If you succeed, you get gold coins. As you progress you increase your coins and turns. However, if you can't guess the word and you pass, you lose all the turns and start back at one. You also don't get the coins from that turn. the gold coins allows you to purchase more colors or bombs. Bombs eliminate useless letters on a given turn. Once you deplete them, you would have purchase more.
This game requires you to wait for your opponent to make your move. So if you are impatient, then this game is not for you. You can also find friends/link game to FaceBook. If you don't have FaceBook, you can do random games and/or giving people you OMGPOP username to a fellow player. I do not have my games linked to FB and I have 9 games going. It really is a fun game. If you have a stylus, you can use it to draw better pictures. Writing with your figures is horrible. There is also, as usual, in app purchasing. In order to get some bombs you need a minimum of 400 gold coins. Getting new colors is cheaper. So you can buy gold coins.
Overall this game gets an A- from me. If the prices of bombs Drops, I'd be in heaven.
Found in Apple iTunes Store for free
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