So yesterday by boyfriend, JH, and I attended the Engadget Reeder meet up. It's like a social and informative event with catered food. Tech companies and other tech sites were in attendance. It took place at a venue called Gustavio's in NYC. It's a nice place. I wonder if it's a restaurant or reception/club spot. It is really inside and out.
A little history, Engadget is a tech blog on the web that has become a leading blog in the industustry. They have on other blog on the same level, Gizmodo. They review products in advance. Tech companies invite them to test runs, send hem prototypes to review. They get ahold of stuff, legally, before it is released to the public. They have a podcast and they have a web show that is taped monthly where they interview tech company employees about their new technology. They started in 2004 and was purchased by AOL in 2005. They currently have staff over 70 worldwide. They recently in last year change editors in chief. The previous one had a bit more personality but the new one is okay. Of course with change, some people left with the previous E-I-C. The blog does have a new feel. However, I stopped reading and let JH continue. He will tell me the interesting stuff. I now read other blogs.
Engadget went all out in preparing a nice atmosphere. This is my second meet up event. This one is way nicer than the last. However, like all Engadget functions, you have to wait in line outside to get in. That part is what I don't like. I don't go to clubs because of this. However, the difference between the two is that Engadget only has the venue booked at certain times and they are still preparing until the designated time. Whereas clubs make you wait outside to make the club look cool. It's just an image thing.
This meet up was solely sponsored by AT&T. Normally they are sponsored by Sprint. Me and JH, being techy, we like coming to these events. You get to see products and play with them. You also get Q&A time with Engadget writers and even Editor in Chief. These people were very accessible to all. Well if you can get thru the crowds of die hard geeks. They also introduce staff from other countries so you can get to know them. The best thing at these events where most people go them for, are the free giveaways.
You receive a raffle ticket upon entering the venue. Throughout the evening they raffles off items. With our luck, JH and I, we never win anything. But we do enjoy the food, the ability to check out the tables and get little freebie stuff from them. I managed to get a t-shirt for JH from the Joystiq game. He was handing goods away. We also obtained sunglasses, chapstick and stress balls from various tables.
The following are companies who had tables at the event:
AT&T - We got to play with some of the new phones they have coming out. We actually were able to mess with an HP Veer. That one may just be gone since HP killed WebOS. You can probably hack it and put Android on it like the TouchPad. I also got to play a little Crash Bandicoot on the PlayStation phone. The phone isn't bad but it's a little bulky. It runs Android and it's definitely a gamers phone.
Samsung - This table was very crowded. Had to stay there and bully my way to table through the geeks. When I got to table I got a chance to play with AT&T and T-Mobile phones. Couldn't even get to try out their tablet. I did get chapstick and sunglasses from them.
Mororola - The had their latest phones and their tablet, Xoom. This division was recently bought by Google. The phone quality seems done well, but they sure are big. Here we were able to get a stress ball. Of course I couldn't touch a Xoom. Damn those geeks.
Eastern mountain sports - They make solar powered backpacks and accessories. Handy for those who are outside a lot.
Blackberry - Poor Blackberry. Hardly anyone visited their table. They did have a Playbook to play with. I didn't even bother with the table to be honest. I think they do not have anything new to offer.
HTC - They had their own phones there. We only played with the ones that were on our carriers respectively: T-Mobile and AT&T.
UbreakIFix - This was the most interesting table. They fix broken phones and tablets. They fixed some readers phones who were there. There was also a contest where they pulled a guest on stage to break a brand new iPad 2. This guest will get to keep iPad after Ubreakit fixes it. Lucky her. This service seems very handy.
Joystiq - They didn't have a table, but the E-I-C was roaming the meet up. He went up on stage when he was introduced. I happen to find him when I was roamin around myself. I had lost JH at this point. I did get him a T-Shirt that the guy was giving away.
The Unofficial Apple Webblog - They are another tech blog who's primary focus is on Apple. They do review a lot of accessories and hardware that pertain to Apple. They had a table with accessories they have reviewed. I checked out an iPad case that had a keyboard. It retails around $150. It's pretty, but no thank you to that price.
Western digital - I didn't really stop at their table for too long. The had their typical external storage devices. However, they were focusing on a new external device that is digital storage of your DVDs. It can play video back better than typical streaming. We really don't know that unless you try it. We stream movies from a regular external harddrive without too many streaming issues. So it's just another piece of tech that will just serve a limited purpose.
AC Gears - This table was a bunch of cute and retro accessories. They had USB key drives in cool characters. They had the Android robot, an old school boombox and old school Beetle Van.
Sharp - They showed off a 3D tv. Not much interested in 3D tvs. So I didn't stop there.
Cadence Watch Company - This table they had a bunch of their special watches. They had a survey contest going. You must choose which of the 2 watches the guy was holding did you like better. You write your email address and which watch you liked better: A or B.
Boxee - This company I have ignored at other meetups. This time I got caught by one of the guys manning the table. He explained what it is. I didn't know what it is. He was very nice and informative. It's a free service on their hardware and on the iPad. It's pretty cool. I'm thinking of getting the app on the iPad when I get one in September. The service gathers all video on the next and organizes it so you can watch on your tv. On the iPad, it leaves a plugin where it can extract embedded video when you surf the Internet to view later. Pretty cool.
Get-A-Game - Table was for an App for iOS and Android. It's an app that allows you to look for people to do outdoor activities with, like golf, hiking etc. They do not have an app for Windows Phone 7 or Blackberry. Interesting concept.
That was my run down for this meetup. I enjoyed it greatly. I wish I won a cool gadget but I left happy. Hopefully, he next meetup will be just as nice or better.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Who Lives In A House Like This
Imagine who would have such taste and live in such opulence?
An American Billionaire? A Saudi Prince? Louis XIV of France ?
Have a good look at these pictures, then scroll to the bottom of the page to see who owns this mansion.

This mansion is in Harare and belongs to:
The President of Zimbabwe - Robert Mugabe -
His people starve and many die for lack of medical help. While the international community is asked to help his people over and over again, he and his family live like this.......
If you send this to everyone you know, they can send it to everyone they know and soon the whole world will know.
The citizens he is supposed to serve live like this:

"For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing."
- Edmund Burke
An American Billionaire? A Saudi Prince? Louis XIV of France ?
Have a good look at these pictures, then scroll to the bottom of the page to see who owns this mansion.
This mansion is in Harare and belongs to:
The President of Zimbabwe - Robert Mugabe -
His people starve and many die for lack of medical help. While the international community is asked to help his people over and over again, he and his family live like this.......
If you send this to everyone you know, they can send it to everyone they know and soon the whole world will know.
The citizens he is supposed to serve live like this:
"For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing."
- Edmund Burke
Monday, August 22, 2011
Words With Friends Free
Words With Friends is a basic "Scrabble" game. This game is on multiple platforms: iPhone, Android and Facebook. I recently took up the game on iPhone. I can no longer play games on Facebook now that I now use secure browsing. This game does connect to Facebook so you can play the game with your friends. Lordkaosu tried the game on Android, but quickly gave it up. He does not like board games.
This game is not a standalone game. It requires a data connection and friends to play with. You can't play a game against the computer. You can play with FB friends or you can get a random set up. It's also not a game to play on your commute unless you have full data connection. You also have to wait on your friends to make their move. The games can drag on because of that.
I chose the free version of the game. I don't mind the ads. If I were constantly on the game I would probably have a different opinion. This is a very casual game.
Visually the game is pleasing. Game play has little quirks but very manageable. Your finger is too big to see where you are placing the tile. That is all. Like I said, the game is very simple.
When you start the app for the first time, you get to see the following screen:
Once you played the game you'll get the screens where it lists your moves, your friends' moves or to create new games.
Once you choose a game, you get to a very typical Scrabble board. You will see 7 tiles assigned to you. To play, you just drag the tile to the board to the correct location.
After you make your word, you press play. Game will tally your score and give you new tiles to replace the ones you used. This is the point you will receive the most obnoxious ads.
Then you go right back to the Your Move, Their Move section of the main screen.
I do not know how the game ends since I have 10 games open for more than a week because of waiting for friends to make their move. I assume it ends like a typical Scrabble game.
There is just so much you can do with this game. It's way too dependent on the social than the gaming. Until they change it up a bit, this game will not be on my must play list. It's lukewarm in my opinion.
Words With Friends can be found on Facebook Games for free. In the iTunes App store: ad version is free, without ads is $1.99. Lastly on the Android Market for free.
This game is not a standalone game. It requires a data connection and friends to play with. You can't play a game against the computer. You can play with FB friends or you can get a random set up. It's also not a game to play on your commute unless you have full data connection. You also have to wait on your friends to make their move. The games can drag on because of that.
I chose the free version of the game. I don't mind the ads. If I were constantly on the game I would probably have a different opinion. This is a very casual game.
Visually the game is pleasing. Game play has little quirks but very manageable. Your finger is too big to see where you are placing the tile. That is all. Like I said, the game is very simple.
When you start the app for the first time, you get to see the following screen:
Once you played the game you'll get the screens where it lists your moves, your friends' moves or to create new games.
Once you choose a game, you get to a very typical Scrabble board. You will see 7 tiles assigned to you. To play, you just drag the tile to the board to the correct location.
After you make your word, you press play. Game will tally your score and give you new tiles to replace the ones you used. This is the point you will receive the most obnoxious ads.
Then you go right back to the Your Move, Their Move section of the main screen.
I do not know how the game ends since I have 10 games open for more than a week because of waiting for friends to make their move. I assume it ends like a typical Scrabble game.
There is just so much you can do with this game. It's way too dependent on the social than the gaming. Until they change it up a bit, this game will not be on my must play list. It's lukewarm in my opinion.
Words With Friends can be found on Facebook Games for free. In the iTunes App store: ad version is free, without ads is $1.99. Lastly on the Android Market for free.
WD Writing Prompt Contest #12
It’s a late Friday evening when Bob finally gets off of work. He had worked some serious overtime getting the company’s financials ready for the audit that was coming Monday morning.
On his way home he gets a call on his cell from his long time pal, Charlie. He’s known Charlie for nearly 20 years. Charlie invites him to a bar for drinks. Bob tries to explain how tired he was, but Charlie would not take no for an answer. Bob conceded and said he’ll meet him inside the bar.
Bob heads to the bar with anticipation. Charlie is known to party really hard and find the most unusual spots to hang out. The last place Charlie took Bob was a tattoo bar. What is a tattoo bar? It’s a breeding place for hepatitis.
He finally arrives at the address and was surprised that the place looked like a normal, everyday, run of the mill bar, from the outside. He sees people seated at the bar talking through the window outside. That was a good sign. He makes up his mind to enter.
He approaches the door when this giant of a man asks for his identification. After he shows his id, the man lets him enter the bar. Once inside, a young woman approaches him and asks him if he was here alone. Bob responds saying that he’s supposed to meet his friend here. She inquires who his friend was. Bob tells her Charlie’s name. She nods in acknowledgement. Then she escorts him to the bar. She explains where the restrooms were, hands him a wine list and then stresses that he is not allowed behind the curtains until his friend arrive. That piqued Bob’s curiosity. He remembers the giant man who checked his id and decided he was not going to test his curiosity.
Bob orders a gin and tonic from the bartender and spun around to people watch as he waited for Charlie. He saw a lot of women go in out of the curtain. Just as he was going to turn back toward the bartender, Charlie arrived at the bar.
“Hey man. What’s up?” Charlie yells and then hugs Bob.
“Nothing much man. Just tired” Bob responds.
“How long have you been waiting?”
“Not long. Maybe 10 minutes or so.”
“So how you like the place?”
“I really can’t say. Just been sitting here waiting. “
“Cool. Cool. Come, follow me. You are going to have a blast!”
Bob gets down off the bar stool he was sitting on and follows Charlie. As they were walking, Charlie was stopped multiple times to greet folks and to shake hands. Charlie finally made his way to the curtains.
“Charlie, what’s going on in there?” Bob asks in a worried tone.
“It’s cool. As long as you stay with me, you’ll be fine.” Charlie states. Then he entered through the curtains.
Bob finally goes through the curtains and had the biggest shock of his life. He walked in and found a fully fledged casino. He couldn’t believe it. The bar was a cover up.
Charlie spots the surprise on Bob’s face, “Time to have some fun!”
“Where did you find this place?” Bob asks.
“Mutual friend.” Charlie responds.
“I never knew these places existed. I’ve seen them in movies, but damn.” Bob says with astonishment.
“Welcome to the big leagues, baby.” Charlie exclaims, grinning.
Charlie walks to a lounge area and sits down on a couch and Bob follows. Just as Bob takes a seat a waitress comes over and asks for their drink orders. Bob gets another gin and tonic and Charlie ordered an apple martini.
“So how’s life been treating you man? Haven’t seen you for a couple of months.” Charlie asks.
“You know me. Working. Chilling. Scoping out couple of ladies” Bob replies.
“Go ahead, man.” Charlie slaps Bob on the back.
Looking around from the couch, “I should invite one of the chicks here with me the next time.”
“Yo! Do not tell anyone about this place unless you trust them completely. You’d get this placed locked down.”
“Alright man, I got you. Mum’s the word. How do I come back if I want?”
“Let me hook you up!” Charlie says beckoning a tall bald man. “Johnny, my boy here wants to become a member. Hook him for me.”
“No problem.” Johnny replied.
“Do I have to sign my life away?” Bob asks with amusement.
“No. Just your soul.” Johnny answers with a smirk.
WD Annual Writing Competition 2008
Hi. My name is Madison. I am a bit different from most people. I have silver eyes and my complexion is compared to caramel. To most people they believe I am wearing designer contacts. So I let them believe that. It diverts them from what I truly am. Some people think that I am a mixed child but both my parents are Black. I am about 3 shades lighter than both. I used to think I was adopted growing up, but my mother reassured me that I came out of her womb. We think somewhere down our blood line there may have been some Caucasian blood mixed with ours.
I was born in NYC in September in the year of 1975. That makes me 32 years young today. I was approximately 6 pounds at birth. I was a happy baby. My mom loved to put my hair into 2 ponytails, like Pippi Longstockings. My eyes were the deepest brown. They looked nearly black. I was the apple of her eyes until I turned 3, then a lot changed. I became the apple my dad’s eyes.
Enough about my family matters. I came here to tell you how I confessed my secret to my parents. I am entrusting you with my secret also. Are you ready? Here it is.
I am a vampire.
Yes really, a vampire. I am not pale and yes I can go out in the day time. All that you have read in books and seen on TV or in the movies are myths, folklore. There’s a lot to be said about vampires. There are many out there. We are usually solitary type of people. The next time you go to a bar, look around. If you spot anyone with silver eyes stay clear of them. They just might be hungry.
I was turned in the wee hours of the night on my 25th birthday by a gorgeous man. He had the most beautiful silver eyes that I have ever seen. That’s what attracted me to him. I never encountered eyes like that before. That should have been my warning. However, I was so enthralled with him. Besides the eyes, he was really intelligent and he listened to me as I rambled on and on about my fears and thoughts about life. Before you sit there and ask me why I was rambling on to a total stranger, I really can’t tell you. I guess I was caught in his spell. Just as the night was about to end, he asked me what was my biggest fear. I flat out told him. I am petrified of dying. I still am.
He told me that he could alleviate my fear permanently, but he never eluded how. Next thing you, know we ended up having a serious make out session. The session was so hot that I felt lightheaded, as if I was going to pass out. By time we broke apart he asked if he could take me home. Of course I complied. I was ready for session number 2 of making out plus whatever happens next. By the time we reached my place I started feeling deathly ill. He was so sweet. He stayed with me even though I was sick. I was vomiting and had some violent bathroom runs. I was so embarrassed for him to see me this way. He still stayed with me. Hell, he should be the one to marry after all of this.
When I started to feel better he then told me what he had done. I didn’t believe him at all. He told me to look in the mirror and look at my eyes. Without hesitation, I went straight to the mirror and noticed that I had the same eyes as he did. Then I felt parched. I felt like I was traveling through the Sahara Desert without water.
I ran to the kitchen for some water, but it just did not satisfy me. It just made it worst. Then the doorbell rang. I smelled the best aroma in the world. I was salivating. I wondered what the person on the other side of the door brought with them that smelled so good. I opened the door to a vagrant with empty hands. What the hell was he doing at my door and why did he smell so delicious? I pulled him inside and shut the door. I attacked him. My fangs descended and I bit my own tongue. I somehow pinpointed an artery and went for it. By time I was done there was blood nearly everywhere. I was scared shitless. I just murdered someone. I am and always have been a good girl. I have never even gotten a traffic ticket. But the worst part was that I was still thirsty. I looked at my guest and ran at him in thirst and in anger. He was able to keep me at bay for a while but I managed to get him. I fed on him for a while before he was able to push me off.
He was livid. His anger then turned into surprise. I’m surprised he didn’t kill me then. He helped me clean my apartment and dispose of the body of the vagrant. He then told me all I needed to know about being and surviving as a vampire. He left me after that. He said he’ll come around once in a while to check up on me.
It took me nearly a year to tell my folks, since I turned. I tried to avoid seeing them as much as possible. I was scared that I may lose control and end up killing my own parents. Once I got a handle on my thirst, I decided to tell the easier one of my parents first, my father. My parents have been divorced now for nearly 10 years.
My father is the closest to me. He’s like my best friend with limitations. As far as my memory serves me, my father has loved me unconditionally and supported me when I needed it. I doubted that telling him my secret would bother him much. He’ll understand.
I flew, literally, to Las Vegas to visit him. He was shocked to see me that March morning. But as elated he was to see me, he complained he doesn’t get to see me as often as he would like. We sat down and caught up with family gossip. He took me out on the street to shop. Once we got in the mall I excused myself from him for at least an hour. That killed two birds with one stone. I was thirsty and I didn’t want to sit there watching him look through hideous garments that he thought were great. What can I say? My father has questionable taste at times.
That night, we were seated in the family room watching TV when I ended up blurting out my secret. I told him that I was a vampire. He just shook his head and told me that he always admired my imagination. I told him that I was serious. He then tapped my knee and told me that vampires are mythical creatures. They do not exist. I was dumbfounded. He doesn’t believe me. I didn’t want to sound like a little kid trying to prove something, so I told him to watch me. I levitated in the air. He said nice trick. He had already seen David Blane at MGM Grand doing the same trick. I lifted him up. He said he’s lost a lot weight due to old age. It seems whatever amazing feat I show him, he didn’t believe me.
I told him to look at my eyes. He told me I had nice contacts. What could I do to make my father believe me? He should be the easy one. Why is he being so difficult? Is it that he doesn’t want to see anything else but the good in me? I want him to know what I am. As a last resort, I lifted him up in my arms and took him out into his backyard. I took off into the sky. I flew above the infamous Las Vegas Strip. I set him down on top of the Eiffel Tower of the Paris Casino where people wouldn’t be able to see us. There I asked him again if he believed me. But he was frozen and unresponsive. I feared that I may have given my father a heart attack. He was just in shock. I picked him back up and brought him home. He left me standing in his living room and he went to his bedroom.
Maybe that was a bit too much? He is over 60 years old. It would be easy to read his mind, but I may find out things I may not want to know. Plus I don’t want to invade his privacy. Within 20 minutes of me pacing, my father emerged from his room. He stood in front of me and stared at me. He then asked me if I was a murderer. I sat him down and told him what I do to survive. I told him that I don’t kill for sport. I kill to live. I do not target innocent people, in my opinion, to kill. I seek out the killers, the rapists and all people who would normally go to hell when they die. I just speed to process along. He just sat there. I asked him if he wanted me to leave. He looked at me and said no. He said that this news is shocking. He has to let it settle in his mind for a bit.
I stayed with him for a couple more days. I let him see me as I am now. I did not take him on my feeding trips. That would be too much. I let him see my fangs though and other powers. By the time I left, he was comfortable with what I am. He was happy that I could visit more often.
Now I am on to my mother’s house, the parent that I’d rather avoid. I arrived at my mother’s place in Florida 2 days later. I had to feed overtime so I can have some reserves. My mother tries my patience. I knock at her door. She opens the door in shock. She asks what I am doing here. I told her I came to visit and to tell her something important. I get no love, she doesn’t even invite me in. I had to ask if I could come inside. She moved out the door way to let me in. She then starts the nagging. I should’ve told her I was coming. She could’ve picked me up from the airport. Why aren’t I at work? You know the usual nagging. Like a machine gun, she keeps on firing questions at me. Did I get fired? Am I getting married? Am I pregnant? I just stared at her. My mom is a trip. With 20 years worth of experience behind me, I find that not answering her questions will make her stop eventually. However, ignoring her also comes with a price. She then tells me all the stuff I should be doing with my life. I am starting to lose my patience. Now do you understand why I had to feed overtime? Once a vampire loses its patience, no good will come of it. I plead to my mother to stop harassing me. She plays the innocent role and asks if a mother can’t ask her daughter questions. You see how manipulative she is? I have to get out of there. I’m thirsty. I tell her I’ll be right back. She asked where I’m going and points out that I don’t have car. I just told her I’ll go the same way I came. She looked at me with a puzzled expression. I walk out the door, closed the door and took off to the air.
I fed quickly and returned. This time I didn’t have to knock. She left the door open. I walked in and found her sitting on her bed. I walk in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She looked up and smiled. Then she asked how I was able to disappear so quickly. I just told her that I have my ways. She patted the bed next to her for me to sit down. I sit down and bluntly told her that I was a vampire. She looked at me like I lost my mind. She asked if I was abusing drugs or alcohol. I had to laugh out loud. I told her no. I repeated myself. I told her I was a vampire. She looked at me with a blank expression for a second and then her face contorted as if she was in the presence of evil. She called me a devil. That I was going to hell and I need to get out of her face. She said that to me, her own daughter, her flesh and blood. I looked at her in shock. I stood up and walked slowly to my room that I use when I visit. I’ll let her calm down.
I turned on the TV that was in the room. I watched a movie on HBO. I was watching a cartoon by time my mother walked into in the room. She sat down the bed next to me. She asked me if it hurt when I turned. I told her yes. Then she said that I was always like a vampire when I was growing up. I was a night owl. I was more prone to getting stuff done at night. I looked at her with a smile. Then I told her that is was a stereotype that vampires can only be awake at night. She nodded. Then she asked me what are the pro’s and con’s of being one. The question took me by surprise. I never thought of it like that. I rather enjoy being a vamp. I told her that I was pretty impervious to most things. The only thing that can really kill me is either decapitation or if I’m torn to shreds. I’ll live nearly forever if the previous two events never happen. The only negative thing I can see is that I will outlive my loved ones. My mother then told me I didn’t have to. That comment took me by surprise. It made me sit up on the bed so I can really pay her attention. My mom is the queen of side swiping. I gave her a confused look before I asked her what she meant. She looked me dead in my eyes and asked me to turn her. I was floored. I can’t believe she asked me that. I was just the devil and going to hell and now she wants to join me. I can never figure her out.
I love my mom but I don’t think I can stand her for forever. Who wants to be nagged forever? She’s a woman who likes to pass judgment on others, innocent or guilty. I fear that she would be a ruthless killer. She’ll get drunk off of her power. Am I being selfish? I told her I would think about it. Then she looks at me really hard.
I’m really at a loss. I don’t know what to do. My gut tells me not to do it. The little girl in me wants me to do anything to please my mom so she would love me. I love my mom, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t care for her at times. Is that so wrong of me to say? She’s a no nonsense, do as you are told type of woman, a dictator. Would you turn Napoleon into a vampire? Hitler? Okay, Hitler’s a bit too much. But I ‘m trying to prove my point. It took me two days to make my decision. It took a lot of feeding too. However, before I told mom my decision, I decided to take her with me to feed. I wanted her to see the gruesome way we vamps eat. It’s rather quite gentle, but I didn’t want her to know that. I wanted her to see the victim beg for mercy. I wanted her to experience death from violence. In my amazement it didn’t affect her at all.
On the ride back to her house, she comments on my eyes. She asks if the reason they are silver hold any significance to any particular power. I told her I really don’t know. Only thing is that I can see in the dark with same clarity if it were daylight. She asked me if I knew all the power I have. I told her I didn’t. She started fussing at me, again, about why didn’t learn anything about vampires before I decided to become one. That annoyed me greatly, but I just shook my head and told her that I didn’t decide to become a vampire. It was thrust upon me without any prior knowledge or consent. By time I knew what was happening, it was too late. She looked at me again as if I lost my mind. Then she mumbled it must have been a guy. I just shook my head. We were silent the rest of the ride home.
Once we got inside the house my mom looked at me coldly and said she doesn’t want me to turn her. I let out a huge silent sigh. I was happy that she changed her mind. I hugged her out sheer relief. When I let go of her, she looked me dead in the eye and said she wanted the guy who turned me to turn her. Ouch. That was a slap in the face. I looked at her dumbfounded. With sass she told me that she didn’t want me to turn her because I am too immature to know how. That’s my mother for you. I looked at her coldly and said that I don’t know where he is.
With the vilest look from my mother, she told to leave and to never come back unless I find an experienced vampire that can turn her. What happened to loving your child unconditionally? I was so shocked I didn’t know what to do. In one fell swoop I just lost whatever type of my relationship I had with my mother. My temper was rising. I was in prime mode to strike. I restrained myself as best as I could. I looked at her, snarled showing my fangs. She backs up against her wall. I smelt her fear. I walked up to her, close enough that I felt her breath on my cheek, and whispered in her ear, “goodbye.” I moved away and walked to the door. She yells after me saying it doesn’t have to be a goodbye if I only brought another vampire. She just didn’t get it. I just shook my head, open the door and took to the air.
I went to visit my father after I told my mother. I told him what happened. He nearly fell out the chair laughing. I was shocked. That I didn’t expect. I thought he would be concerned. He then asked me if I ever realized that my mom has been in competition with me all these years. And now I have something that she can’t get. I told him that I never realized it. I was too busy trying to get her to love me. He just patted my knee and said she does in her own way and I shouldn’t go out of my way to try to get her love. It was a nice talk. My father knows how to make me feel better.
I haven’t visited my mom for nearly 5 years since then. I did check on her during that period. I love her so I will always look out for her. Looking in hindsight, I should’ve been prepared for how my mother reacted. She still is in search of a vampire to turn her. That’ll probably never happen. If it does, I’ll be prepared.
Now that I told you how I told my parents my secret, can I trust you with it? Or do I have to come find you?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
WD Writing Prompt Contest # 27
I never would have purchased this house if I’d known that my freedom was not granted to the terms of my arrangement with my maker, Carl. It’s been more than 1 year that I have become what I am. I have been through battles and heartache. I have lost and loved. It had been a trying year. I need to be free to try to resume my life before my metamorphosis. I can’t have my maker bullying his way into my life and make it any more miserable than it already is.
You see, the arrangement was, I could be free to live and carry-on as I like, as long as I perform what is required of me. We currently are in a time of peace; so my services are not required. That’s what I believed. However, they keep making all these political meetings that I could care less about. Can you guess where these meetings are taking place? In my new house, of course; there’s a meeting nearly twice a week!
I had a blissful month before Carl showed up on my doorstep telling me that I have been unanimously selected to be a part of our ruling body. I did not nominate myself nor have I shown any interest in joining. Each member of the ruling party has a special power that makes them desirable. I never asked for my special power. It was just my unfathomable luck.
First let me introduce myself. My name is Madison and I used to think I was human. Now I belong to a race that lives amongst humans but we are not. We look the same but have very subtle physical differences. Are we a threat to humans? Sometimes we are and sometimes not. You shouldn’t worry too much.
Now, let me return to why I am so miserable. It started last week, our last meeting. We were discussing living arrangements and such for new neophytes. I suggest that there should be a safe house for them. They were in instant agreement with me. Now the debate was to where a safe house can be located. Carl nominated my house. Can you believe this? My house!! So I suggested that since he was such a great mentor he should use his own home. So in the end, the tally of the votes became a tie. We would have to debate some more at the next meeting.
After the meeting, Carl pulled me aside to discuss why it was more advantageous for the neophytes to stay with me. I put it firmly that I am not interested in babysitting. He said it really isn’t babysitting but being a mentor to the young ones. I countered saying that it was the same thing. I would have to devote my time when I could care less. I just want to live my life in peace. Do what I want to do without a care in the world. He left saying that I have all the time in the world to do so but I should give back to our society.
Once Carl left, I made a plan. One part of it was to transfer some of my personal effects to a storage facility. I had a feeling that things were not going to end in my favor. I will not babysit anyone. I know I am being selfish but I have not been left alone to enjoy my new life. I need time to myself for a while.
The next day I went to the court and social security administration to get a new name and social security number. I usually can get what I want, but all the time. I made sure the storage was under my new name. I also tried to tie up some loose ends.
Tonight’s the evening of the meeting. Carl and the others walk in and comment that my place has lost its homely appeal. Once the meeting commences, the topic of the location of the safe house is brought up. This time the vote was unanimous that it would be my house. My objection fell on deaf ears. So, that’s why tomorrow I’m setting it on fire.
WD Writing Prompt Contest #20
It’s my first day at my new company, H&S. I was nervous and excited because it was my first job as an Accounting Manager at a high profile PR/Event planning company.
I made sure to wear the cutest outfit to stand out and look the part. I arrive 10 minutes early to make a good impression. When I walked in, my new supervisor greeted me with a hug and smile. She proceeds to take me by the hand to show me where I’ll be sitting.
She walked me down an isle of completely white cubicles. As I walked by I noticed something strange. I didn’t want to acknowledge it so I put it to the back of my mind to ask later. My boss turned a corner and it got dark really quick. Where was this woman taking me? My palms got clammy thinking she was leading me to a dungeon.
She led me to a tiny room, the size of a walk in closet. Inside there were three desks with four six-drawer file cabinets. The decor was dark brown; a vast difference from all the bright white cubicles in the main area. The room had one window that was boarded shut. Okay, my spirits are sinking. What have I gotten myself into? My boss told me to settle in and come to her office when I’m finished. I hid my purse in my drawer and hung my coat. As I left my office, my eyes had to readjust to the bright lights. As I walk to my boss’s office the disturbing trend is blaring at me. It’s beginning to haunt my thoughts. I need to know why all the desks only have a white Apple computer and orange accessories. There was not a single sheet of paper on anyone’s desk. Not a pen. Not even any type of personalization at all. Do these people work?
I get to my boss’s office. It was what I remembered when I came for my interview. I sit down when she gestures to. She proceeds to tell me the rules to live by. My desk must always be tidy. I must have my work completed by deadline. Afterwards she takes me for a tour of the office while introducing me to the employees. We passed two gorgeous offices with glass doors and walls. I assumed the offices were for Mrs. H and Ms S. Mrs. H was in her office when we were introduced. My boss informed me that Ms S mainly works out of Los Angeles but she will be here today.
I walked back into the cave that was my office after the introductions. I am working when a white and beige Shih Tzu leapt onto my lap and onto my desk. I proceeded to lift the dog from my desk. Just as I was placing the dog onto the floor, a blond woman screamed. I have no idea what I had done wrong. The woman grabs my arm, forcing me to stand.
Bewildered and reluctant, I was forced to follow this woman to where she was leading. Ms S shoved me into her office and demanded that I sit down. She slammed her door shut behind her and made her way around her desk.
She demanded to know who I was. I told her my name and my job. She proceeded to tear me a new hole. She tells me that under no circumstances am I to touch her precious dog. If her pooch wants to be on my desk I must let him until he decides to leave. So I must find a way to work around him without touching him. I must not have paper accumulated on my desk while I work. I’m permitted one sheet if it’s important. After she finished off her rant she proceeds to take out a form and started to write fervently. When she stopped writing she shoved the paper to my side of her desk and hands me a pen. When I look at the paper Ms S had given me, I was taken aback. She had written me up for touching her precious pooch. She wanted my signature so she can put it in my employee file! I just signed the paper and left. She then yells at me for getting up before she dismissed me. I left her office shell-shocked.
As I numbly walk back to my cave, a fellow coworker came up to me and said…… “Welcome To H&S!”
WD Writing Prompt Contest #10
When I first told my family about me being a vampire, they didn’t believe me. I tried my best to break it down for them. Let me tell you about when I broke the news.
I decided to tell my father first. I flew to Las Vegas to visit him. He was happy to see me. We were seated in the family room when I ended up telling him. He just shook his head and told me that he always admired my imagination. I told him I was serious. He patted my knee and told me that vampires do not exist. I was dumbfounded. I told him to look at my eyes. He said nice contacts. It seems that whatever amazing act I shown him, he didn’t believe. What could I do to make my father believe me? He has to know what I am. So I lift him up in my arms and take him out into his backyard and take off into the sky. I flew above the infamous Las Vegas Stip. I set him down on top of the Eiffel Tower of the Paris Casino where people wouldn’t be able to see us. There I asked him again if he believed me. But he was frozen and unresponsive. I feared that I may have given my father a heart attack but he was just in shock. I brought him back home. He left me standing in his living room as he went to his bedroom.
Within 20 minutes of me pacing, my father emerged from his room and came down. He stood in front of me and stared at me. He then asked me if I was a murderer. I told him that I don’t kill for sport. I kill to live. I do not target innocent people to kill. I seek out the killers, the rapists and all people who would normally go to hell when they die. I just speed to process along. He just sat there. I asked him if he wished me to leave. He looked at me and said no. He said that this news is shocking. He has to let it settle in his mind for a bit. I stayed with him for a couple more days before I left to visit my mother.
I arrived at my mom’s place in Florida. I knock at her door and she immediately opens the door. In shock, she asks what I was doing there. I told her I came to visit and to tell her something important. She doesn’t even invite me in. I had to ask if I could come inside. She moved out the door way to let me in. She then starts the nagging. Like a machine gun, she keeps on firing questions at me. Did I get fired? Am I getting married? My mom is a trip. With 20 years worth of experience behind me, I find that not answering her questions will make her stop eventually. However, ignoring her comes with a price. She then tells me all the stuff I should be doing with my life. I am starting to lose my patience. Once a vampire loses its patience, no good will come of it. I plead to my mother to stop harassing me. I have to get out of there. I tell her I’ll be right back. I walk out the door and took off to the air.
I fed quickly and returned. I walked in and found her sitting on her bed. I gave her a kiss on the cheek. She patted the bed next to her for me to sit down. I sit down and bluntly told her that I was a vampire. She asked if I was abusing drugs or alcohol. I had to laugh out loud. I told her no. She looked at me with a blank expression for a second and then her face contorted as if she was in the presence of evil. She called me a devil and I need to get out of her face. She said that to me, her own daughter; her flesh and blood. I stood up and walked to my room that I use when I visit.
Three hours later, my mother walked into in the room. She asked me if it hurt when I turned. I told her yes. Then she asked me what are the pro’s and con’s of being one. I told her that I was pretty impervious to most things. I’ll live nearly forever. The only negative thing I can see is that I will outlive my loved ones. My mother then said I didn’t have to. That comment took me by surprise. I asked her what she meant. She looked me dead in my eyes and asked me to turn her. I can’t believe she asked me that. I was just the devil. I can never figure her out.
I love my mom but I don’t think I can stand her for forever. I fear that she would become a ruthless killer. She’ll get drunk off of her power. I told her I would think about it. I don’t know what to do. I love my mom. I just don’t care for her at times. She’s a dictator. Would you turn Napoleon into a vampire? She asks if my silver eyes hold any significant power. I told her I can see in the dark with same clarity as if it were daylight. She asked me if I knew all the power I have. I told her no. She then said she didn’t want me to turn her. I let out a huge silent sigh of relief. She said she wanted the guy who turned me to turn her. Ouch! She told me that she didn’t want me to turn her. I am too immature to know how. I said that I didn’t know where he is. With the vilest look from my mother she told to leave and to never come back unless I find an experienced vampire that can turn her. I was so shocked I didn’t know what to do. I restrained myself as best as I could. I snarled showing my fangs. She backs up against the wall. I walked up to her, close enough that I felt her breath on my cheek, and whispered in her ear, “goodbye forever.” I move away and walked to the door. I opened the door and took to the air. In one instance I just lost my relationship with my mother.
And that’s how I ended up being estranged from my mother for the past 10 years.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Relationships Will Defy Race
Recently there have been multiple articles discussing the supposedly trend of Black women dating and marrying White men. In these articles they make out that Black men are mostly delinquents. They make mention that White men are our saviors. In all these articles they don't make mention of Black men dating every other race. They don't mention anything about White women dating every other race. Neither about White men. They are just focusing on Black women. Why is this even a topic to begin with? It's irrelevant.
This focus makes it seem like we are beneath all. We are not beneath anyone. We are equal to everyone. I'm quite tired of the racists who harp on this topic just because they don't like inter-racial relationships between Black and White people. However, the other races out there are fine. That is utter bullshit.
The articles make out the White men are better than Black men. Some White men may be more privileged but they are not better. They are the same. They both play the same games when dating. They both do horrible stuff to land them in jail. They both work at jobs. They both do all in their power at times to prolong having to settle down. Men like to sow their oats and live the fun life without responsibilities. Only differences may be in culture. For example, it's a known fact that Jewish men must marry a Jewish woman for religious and cultural reasons. However, that doesn't apply to all Jewish men. Some break tradition and marry outside their cultural norm. I am a product of that.
Who is it to say that we must stick to our race? Why do Black women have to wait for love from our Black men? Love is blind. It sees no race. Racists see the color lines. In the near future there will not be a pure race. Hell, I don't think there is one this day and age. With so much cross breeding during slavery, the inquisition, and all the conquering of lands in the past, men slept with or raped women off all races. Children have been born of these actions. So who really is pure? Screw color lines.
People who love each other should just be together. Who cares about anything else? If you are happy with your other girlfriend/boyfriend, do not let outside idiots influence your relationship. Keep your relationship just between the two of you.
It really pains me that no matter how far we progress, idiots find a way to put a dark cloud on it. Let's stop focusing on race. Let's focus on how we can improve our economy and get the unemployment rate drastically down. All the energy idiots use to write stupid articles could be used to write about the hungry and uneducated. They need the spotlight on them. That's it for now.
This focus makes it seem like we are beneath all. We are not beneath anyone. We are equal to everyone. I'm quite tired of the racists who harp on this topic just because they don't like inter-racial relationships between Black and White people. However, the other races out there are fine. That is utter bullshit.
The articles make out the White men are better than Black men. Some White men may be more privileged but they are not better. They are the same. They both play the same games when dating. They both do horrible stuff to land them in jail. They both work at jobs. They both do all in their power at times to prolong having to settle down. Men like to sow their oats and live the fun life without responsibilities. Only differences may be in culture. For example, it's a known fact that Jewish men must marry a Jewish woman for religious and cultural reasons. However, that doesn't apply to all Jewish men. Some break tradition and marry outside their cultural norm. I am a product of that.
Who is it to say that we must stick to our race? Why do Black women have to wait for love from our Black men? Love is blind. It sees no race. Racists see the color lines. In the near future there will not be a pure race. Hell, I don't think there is one this day and age. With so much cross breeding during slavery, the inquisition, and all the conquering of lands in the past, men slept with or raped women off all races. Children have been born of these actions. So who really is pure? Screw color lines.
People who love each other should just be together. Who cares about anything else? If you are happy with your other girlfriend/boyfriend, do not let outside idiots influence your relationship. Keep your relationship just between the two of you.
It really pains me that no matter how far we progress, idiots find a way to put a dark cloud on it. Let's stop focusing on race. Let's focus on how we can improve our economy and get the unemployment rate drastically down. All the energy idiots use to write stupid articles could be used to write about the hungry and uneducated. They need the spotlight on them. That's it for now.
Bubble Bust!
Every now and then the iTunes App Store has sales; paid to free or severely reduced price. I really do not keep up with them. My boyfriend,
lordkaosu, does. He also knows what type of games I enjoy. When the game Bubble Bust! full version by Game On was free for a day, he told me to go get it. I love bubble popper type (I know that's not the correct terminology for it) games. I downloaded it immediately.
When the game starts up you get a simple start screen. Only three options: options, play and more games.
If you select options, you get multiple choices to tweak. I just mute game sounds because I don't need everyone around me know I'm playing games. It's really none of their business.
When you are finally ready to play, you come to a screen with game levels. There is a mixture of numbered levels and levels that has a red coin slot. Those slot levels require coins that you have obtained during regular level play. Towards the end of the list, all the levels are slotted levels. You will have to repeat past levels to obtain coins in order to play. This is fine with me. More to play.
When you select your level, you come to a typical bubble popper screen; with a bubble launcher and some colored bubbles on the screen.
The object of the game is to rid the board of bubbles and retrieving a key at the top. You remove bubbles by matching the colors; minimum of 3 of the same. As you play, bubbles lower. You do not want them to move past the line near the launcher. If you do you lose.
As you continuously pop bubbles, they raise up. You score as you pop bubbles and make combinations. As you get to further levels you get more traps and aids. When you reach the top and pop the bubble with key you beat the level. You do not have to match colors to retrieve key if it's out in the open.
Once you beat level, you can continue to next, select another level or return to the main menu. You can easily just do a level in a short time span. It doesn't force you into another level immediately.
I find great enjoyment from this game and similar ones. I can see me finishing this game in matter of weeks unless they update it. I have received an update for this game since I got it. I am looking forward to one. Give me more levels!!!
Bubble Bust! can be found in the iTunes App Store for $0.99. There is also a free Lite Version if you want to try.
When the game starts up you get a simple start screen. Only three options: options, play and more games.
If you select options, you get multiple choices to tweak. I just mute game sounds because I don't need everyone around me know I'm playing games. It's really none of their business.
When you are finally ready to play, you come to a screen with game levels. There is a mixture of numbered levels and levels that has a red coin slot. Those slot levels require coins that you have obtained during regular level play. Towards the end of the list, all the levels are slotted levels. You will have to repeat past levels to obtain coins in order to play. This is fine with me. More to play.
The object of the game is to rid the board of bubbles and retrieving a key at the top. You remove bubbles by matching the colors; minimum of 3 of the same. As you play, bubbles lower. You do not want them to move past the line near the launcher. If you do you lose.
I find great enjoyment from this game and similar ones. I can see me finishing this game in matter of weeks unless they update it. I have received an update for this game since I got it. I am looking forward to one. Give me more levels!!!
Bubble Bust! can be found in the iTunes App Store for $0.99. There is also a free Lite Version if you want to try.
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