Wednesday, JH had to come to the city to job hunt. So we ended up meeting up to have lunch together. We ended up eating Qdoba and sitting outside by the park. That was so nice. Wish he could work near me so we can do this often.
Thursday was the big day. It was time for him to meet my Godmother. So he met me by my job so we could go there together. My godmother took to him. We ate dinner at her favorite restaurant "Bella Luna." After dinner we took a walk in Central Park. I took some pictures of the two of them. They looked cute.
My godmother also gave him some information on volunteer jobs.
Friday I dragged him with me to the laundrymat do we could wash the last 2 comforters I needed to wash. Afterwards I took him to Kings Plaza. He seemed to like the mall. It's nothing like the malls in the West, that's for sure. It's a mall none the less.
Saturday we had to get ready for our party that evening by getting some groceries. First we stopped at a diner for breakfast. He orders the most ridiculous meal. It was an ice cream sundae ontop of a belgium waffle!!!! OMG that was ridiculous!!
Later, we have the party. The most important people showed up. Ericka (late as usual), Shauna, Crystal and her boyfriend Ricardo. We had a good time talking, eating and watching tv. They all liked him. Ericka cracked me up when she walked by him and said, "my gosh you're tall." I'm glad they took to him. He really is a great guy.
I am starting to feel that this arrangement is going to work for the long haul. I still marvel at him when it comes down sharing my space. I can't believe I'm actually living with my boyfriend. It feels really good coming home to someone who cares and spoils me.
Let's start a new week.
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