Monday he arrives with his father. He said he didn't have a lot of stuff. He LIED!!! He had a shit ton of stuff. 2 crates and a huge box of DVDs alone! He had this huge weight bench that his father had to take back with him. He had a lot of other dodads. We try to put up as much as possible. Went to bed tired as hell.
Tuesday morning I had a half day. I was trying to show him how to get around. He ended up leaving with me to work. He wanted to walk around NYC while I was at work. He ended up walking all the way to Central Park and back. He met me at my job so we can go home.
Wednesday, I remember coming home and he had cooked dinner. He cooked steak and corn. It was pretty good. The steak was a bit salty but it had nice flavoring. After dinner we decided to put up the DVDs. My cabinet now has 3 shelves dedicated to Anime and 2 to regular movies.
Thursday is a blur. I don't remember anything out of the ordinary happening.
Friday I had him meet me at work. I took him to Times Square and Union Square. We had dinner in Time Square and we also picked up our weekend passes for the New York Comic Con in October. By time we got home I was exhausted.
Saturday I took him to Borough Hall so he could take his police test. I did my taxes while I waited for him. When he was done, we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge and then took him to China Town. We got Bubble Tea. I got a very good looking iPhone case. We left so I could go do my taxes.
Sunday we went to the beach in Long Beach, Long Island. We had a good time. We took the train instead of driving. We tried this burger joint called Five Guys and it was the shiznit!! By time we got home it was after 7 and we had enough time to clean up and watch True Blood.
All in all, living wih JH so far is fun. He really hasn't encroached on my space. I'm still getting used to it. He's been very tender and gentle with me. I sometimes think to myself when will this fall apart. I can't believe I stumbled upon such a great guy. I must've done something right somewhere.