The Sookie books have also become a very popular series on HBO. I watch it too, but I'm sticking to the book series in this post. One thing I must say about the 2 is they are nothing alike.
All the books in an interesting way, have Dead in the title. Here's the list of books in order, left column first.

I own digital and print copies of the books. There are books in the series in which I read more than once because they are so good.
Let me tell you how I found the series. I was in Borders one day because I was going thru withdrawal. I needed a book to read. I picked up Dead after Dark by Harris and Twilight by Stephanie Meyers. I started Twilight first and got addicted to the series. Harris' book was sitting lonely by itself on my bookshelf. After 2 years, I finally picked it up. I finished waiting for Eclipse & Breaking Dawn to come out. I read other books friends gave me during my time waiting. After Breaking Dawn, I saw Harris' book sitting on my shelf. I picked it up the evening. I was hooked.
When I said I was hooked, I mean I was a crack fiend. I finished the book in the wee hours of the morning. Mind you I had to go to work. I finished book in 1 sitting. I wanted more!!! At lunch time the next day, or should I say same day since I didn't go to sleep until like 3 am, I went to Borders and bought the next 2 books.
That night I finished the 2nd book and started the 3rd book. I'm seriously lacking sleep and I have work again. This all started on a Tuesday. At lunch, I bought the next 5 books. I tell you I was a fiend. By Friday, I had finished all 8 books. I finished 8 books in 4 days. That is ridiculous. Never have I been so sleep deprived and happy at the same time.
Once I was done, I went thru some serious withdrawal. I could barely wait until the 9th book was released. So I ended up re-reading couple books again. I surely read the 4th book at least 3 times. I was so totally head over heels for a fictional character. I so love Eric Northam.
In between the other books releases I have taken to watch the show. Her latest book, #11, has recently came out. Finished book in 3 days. I am not sure if it was the last of the series. It didn't feel like a closure. I sure don't want to see it end.
I love the series. I'm sure Harris feels as if she has exhausted all avenues with series. I hope people will take to my books like I took to Harris'.
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