Saturday, August 4, 2007

The End of Potter

I just finished the last book of Harry Potter. I am so bummed. I really really liked the series. There were so many ways that the story could have continued. I would like to see what it took to rebuild the ministry of magic & hogwarts. Other bad guys to defend against. There are so many avenues to explore.

Believe it or not, I was the hesitant fan. I never knew what all the hub bub was about. My godmother read the first book and told me it was great. My best friend was also a big fan. She gave me the first book 2 years after it came out. I believe I read that book in nearly 3 days. Then I borrowed the other 2 books and read them in succession.

JK Rowling was my pusher. Never had an author since I was a kid, w/ Francine Pascal, had me hooked. I have not been that die hard of a fan to sit over night on line to get the books. But I have gotten the book within the first week of release. Book 7 is the first book that I have preordered before the release. I picked the book up on the first day. Now knowing that this is the last book I think I've going thru withdrawal. I finished the book this morning & I've been cranky all day. I have never been so miserable after finish reading a book.

I wonder if Rowling will let people write fan fiction. But no one can do it justice as she can. I can't believe how well she developed her characters' world. It was so believable. I also must commend the directors and casting agents for the movies. They did a brilliant job of making the movies as true to the books as possible.

Well it's time for me to end this rant. Time to find another book to read. I'm one of those book-aholics. It's my therapy to the real world.

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